AUTHOR: Brian K. Vaughan
STARTED: February 6 2009
FINISHED: February 6, 2009
PAGES: 168
GENRE: Graphic Novel
FIRST SENTENCE: Well, that's unexpected.
SUMMARY: [From] Yorick Brown's long journey through an Earth populated only by women comes to a dramatic, unexpected conclusion in this final volume, collecting issues #55-60 of the critically acclaimed series.
THOUGHTS: I was a little disappointed in the conclusion to this series. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly was not this. I think part of my disconnect was that I did not reread the entire series before moving onto the last volume. In the future, I think I may re-read the whole series in one sitting and see what that does for my opinion.
Also, part of me wanted everyone to die. But I blame that on the fact that I wanted to see what that would look like in the artwork.
RATING: 6/10 [Good.]