Useful Things: Veteran's History Project

Today is Veteran's Day - or Armistice Day depending on where you leave. First: Thank you, grandpa and grandpa. Second: Thank you every veteran.

Every veteran has a story - one that deserves and, indeed, needs to be told. The Library of Congress is trying to collect as many veteran's stories as possible through their Veteran's History Project. The goal of the project is to collect first-hand stories from veterans, specifically those who fought in conflicts from World War I onward.

This objective is getting harder and harder to achieve as veterans from WWI, WWII, and Korea are beginning to pass away at greater rates every day. The Library of Congress' website allows you not only to read/hear/see stories from veterans but also help add to the collection.

If you know a veteran, please thank them today (and every day) and encourage them to tell their story.
