Now I don't know why so many people think Sarah Palin looks like a naughty librarian... okay, I do... but I do know that, as a staunch advocate for freedom of reading, I dislike the idea of her following Laura Bush (albeit in another role) into the White House. This VP candidate tried to ban several books from an Alaskan library. When she did not get her way, she threaten to fire the the head librarian. Kudos to Mary Ellen Baker for standing her ground.
Shame on you, Gov. Palin. It's fine for you to hold your own beliefs, but to try to keep others from having theirs is hypocritical. The library should not be a place for politics. The library is a community center, a gathering place, and an institution of higher learning. Just because you're prejudiced against free thought doesn't mean you should use your governmental power for ignorance.
If you don't want one of your five kids from reading a book, that's fine. It's more than fine. Be a parent and keep it out of their hands. It is not your job to regulate access to information.
Keep your hands off my books.
I wasn't going to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket anyway, but this story just angered me out the wazoo.
In related news: Banned Books week starts September 26.