Patron: Excuse me, do you work here?
Me: [Thinks about what I must look like] Yes.
Patron: Can you help me?
Me: Sure, what can I do for you?
Patron: I need to double-space.
Me: Where's you're laptop?
Patron: I'm not on a laptop. I'm on a desktop in the lab.
Me: Oh! Those computers do not have Word installed. They only have a viewer. You can't edit documents.
Patron: I just need to double-space. Show me how.
Me: You can't on those computers.
Patron: Can you just double-space it for me.
Me: On those computers, you can't edit a Word document. You can only view and print. If you get a laptop from the Circulation desk you can edit your document.
Patron: Just come double space this for me. They want it double-spaced.
Me: You can't double-space on those computers.
Patron: I don't know how. Please just show me.
Me: I can show you on a laptop, but not on that computer. Come with me to the Circulation desk. After you check out a laptop, I can show you how to double space.
Patron: *sigh* I will figure it out myself. *wanders away*
Despite thinking I was rather clear and helpful at the time, I can't help but think I failed somehow.