That's what I'm talking about

I so pulled this a few times. There were certain books in school (cough The Red Badge of Courage cough) that I completely faked reading.

What book did you fake?


Wendy said…
Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Trying to read the first few chapters made my head hurt, and I just gave up. I did get through Oliver Twist though - which I think is the most "readable" Dickens out there.....
Samantha said…
LOL funny enough, we're reading Tolstoy right now for my great books class, but its only a short story of his. So its not so bad.

Hrrrm lets see, I faked reading Walden Pond by Thoreau, same goes for Crossing the Sierra by Muir, I gave them both a shot but got tired of Muir peeing himself with excitment over the wonders of the trees and flowers he saw and Thoreau is just well... Thoreau. Faked reading Burmese Days by George Orwell too, I did however get to page 100 before I said screw it.
Meghan said…
Wendy - The only Dickens I've ever made it through is "A Christmas Carol." I'm too scared to start any others.

Samantha - Your comment made me think of the time I should have faked reading "The Grapes of Wrath." If I had to read one more page about dust...
Jace said…
I loved Dickens - read almost all of his in my late teens (aeons ago)! LOL

What I faked - Austen's Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. Tried a few times to read, but could never finish. *sigh* I've since thrown in the towel.
Meghan said…
Jace - I've read (and enjoyed) both those Austens (also, "Emma"). I'm dreading "Northanger Abbey." My roomie hated it and we have similar book tastes so I am staying clear of it for the time being.