TITLE: A Wrinkle in Time
AUTHOR: Madeleine L'Engle
STARTED: December 22, 2007
FINISHED: December 22, 2007
PAGES: 198
GENRE: Juvenile
FIRST SENTENCE: It was a dark and stormy night.
SUMMARY: [From barnesandnoble.com] Meg Murry and her friends become involved with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg's father, who disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.
REASON FOR READING: It won the Reducing Mt. TBR pool.
THOUGHTS: I like this book for two simple reasons: one, the whole point is that children (and adults for that matter) should not loose their imagination and individuality; second, it's an "everyman" book. The story could be about anyone, set anywhere, or put in any almost part of the human time line. There is very little about this book that makes it a specified story.
MISCELLANEOUS: I love it when I can read whole books in a day.
RATING: 6/10 [Good]