Book 48: Winter Garden

TITLE: Winter Garden
AUTHOR: Adele Ashworth
STARTED: August 21, 2007
FINISHED: August 24, 2007
PAGES: 344
GENRE: Romance

FIRST SENTENCE: The cold, late-November wind slapped her face and whipped her lightweight skirt against her legs as Madeleine DuMais stepped down from her hired coach and onto solid ground at Winter Garden.

SUMMARY: [From] In 1849, a celebrated French beauty-and British spy-risks her life to expose smugglers with the help of a dashing earl. But it's her heart that's in danger when the local gentry spread gossip of their illicit partnership. Because beneath the veil of secrecy lies a very true passion.

REASON FOR READING: I only heard good things about it.

THOUGHTS: I need to learn to review books within 48 hours of completing them. I don't remember anything about the books in the "meh" range of my mind after that time period. This book wasn't horrible, but it definitely wasn't fantastic. Nothing really jumps out at me save for one thing: the characters talk too much. It seemed that all Madeleine and the British guy (I can't even remember his name) did was talk... or think about talking... or talk to themselves in internal monologues. I wanted to scream "Do something already!" at them. I like it when characters act. The guys didn't act, they talked a lot and it drove me a little insane. Also, the plot was so overly contrived at times that I just had to cringe.

Aside from that, the book was at least mildly entertaining as I read it.

MISCELLANEOUS: I gots nuthin.

RATING: 5/10 [Meh.]
