For the third year running, I attended the National Book Festival on the Mall in downtown D.C. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this thing. In past years, I was all about the free stuff (who doesn't love pens, bookmarks, and bookbags?) and ignored most of the author talks. This year, I went downtown with a plan of attack, I was going to hear three authors speak, have a book signed, see all the pavilions, and then sprint back in time for the kick-off of the Notre Dame game. I had it scheduled down to the very last minute.
Well, what do you know. My schedule, for the most part, when ka-blooey. Not in a bad way, though. It all worked out for the best in the end.
I stupidly followed the timing of the metro that gave me. Silly, silly Meghan. The website told me I would arrive at 9:45 a.m., the first talk I wanted to attend was at 10:00 a.m. This would have worked out perfectly. Instead, I arrived at 9:15 a.m. I could have slept in for another 45 minutes! Oh well, I wandered around the pavilions at that point, seeing everyone set up. Since that did not take long, I found myself a set at the "Mysteries & Thrillers" pavilion and read The Red Tent as I waited for my first author to talk.
Meltzer discussed his writing style, and how he could have the greatest plot in the world, but if the characters were flat, the book would be too. The Book of Fate began because he spent a few days with former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Meltzer also said that "if you recognized yourself in the book, it probably was you" because he gets all his character descriptions from riding the D.C. metro. "Kind of skeezy guy, balding, no chin - there's my villain."
Hosseini spoke mainly about how his novel came about. Through his discussion about his own childhood in pre-Soviet invasion Afghanistan, it was clear that The Kite Runner is a semi-autobiographical novel. What was most surprising for me was how young Hosseini looked. His book is so deep and fraught with emotion, that it was shocking to see such a young man had written such a powerful novel. I was impressed by his articulateness and attention to emotion in both is novel and his discussion. Toward the end of the speech he answered a very popular question, "Where are the women of Afghanistan?" He answered that "They're all in the audience." (It was true that at least 80 percent of the audience was women.) Hosseini also stated that his next book would be about a mother/daughter pair set in Afghanistan. I am very excited about that.
There was a gap between Hussein's talk and my next author, so I walked around the festival grounds for about half an hour. Unlike past years, I went to the Festival alone, so there was no one to wait in line with me for a picture in the big book chair. I thought it would look odd for just me, a 22-year old, to be in line with toddlers and pre-schoolwork. So I skipped that this year. Instead I wandered aimlessly. None of the non-author pavilions held my interest, mainly because they were the same as in past years. I was handed a book mark with a star on top of it. Apparently, if you remove the star, soak it in water over night, and then plant it, forget-me-nots will grow. I am so doing that... as soon as I get my hands on potting soil and a pot.
Flynn's talk more than made up for me having to stand through Connelly. He was blunt, arrogant, hilarious, and outspoken. I loved every minute of it. One of his major points is that he thinks we do not give enough criticism in this country, particularly when it comes toward our children. "We should tell them when they're wrong, and then show them how to fix it." Flynn is non-apologetic about his political stances and that came across in his talk as well as his books. I always believed he thought himself to be the character of Mitch Rapp, and his talked on deepened that belief.
Flynn teased the audience by holding up the latest book, Acts of Treason, which does not come out until October 1oth. Evil, evil man. Very attractive man, but evil nonetheless. Toward the end of his talk, Flynn apologized for the ending of his last book, which made it seem like the Rapp series was over. He said, "I have three kids. Have you seen the cost of tuition at a four-year college? I can't afford to kill Mitch Rapp." The audience howled with laughter, and gave him a much deserving round of applause.
"Wait a minute, this isn't Consent to Kill." Flynn said. (Note: Consent to Kill is his most recent book.)
"Nope." I replied.
"Term Limits, eh? You're a true fan." (Note: Term Limits is his first book.)
"Indeed, but a true fan would steal that copy of Act of Treason." I shadily ask. The new book, not due out for ten days, was right there, staring at me.
*author pauses*
"I could give it to you." He starts to pick it up. "Nah."
"Drat!" I replied before thanking him and walking away. He laughed.
After ensuring my book was back in my bag, and no where near my wet umbrella, I walked back to the metro - I had a football game to watch.
Notre Dame won, by the way, even though I apparently slept through the third quarter.
I read The Millionairs by Meltzer and like it ... faced paced action!
I do want to pick up the fates one too!