TITLE: Lady of Desire
AUTHOR: Gaelen Foley
STARTED: June 2, 2005
FINISHED: June 4, 2005
PAGES: 416
GENRE: Romance
FIRST SENTENCE: The hackney coach rumbled under the arched stone passage and rolled to a halt in the torchlit innyard, but even before the driver could throw the break, let alone descend to assist his solitary passenger, the door swung open and she jumped out - a temptuous, tousle-headed eighteen-year-old with the fire of rebellion in her dark eyes.
SUMMARY: [From barnesandnoble.com] follow in her mother's footsteps, the spirited beauty stands unashamed of her passionate nature. Then one night, in flight from a safe but loveless marriage arranged by her strict older brother, Jacinda finds herself alone on a dark and dangerous street face-to-face with Billy Blade, the notorious leader of a band of thieves. His stolen kisses awaken in her a longing for a man she can never possess.
A handsome scoundrel running from a secret past, Billy Blade has never met a woman like Jacinda - her fiery innocence and blossoming sensuality set his rebel's heart ablaze. Having turned his back on the privilege and power of his tyrannical father's house years before, he vows to return to his rightful place and reclaim his title, Earl of Rackford - to win the love of the ravishing beauty who has stolen his heart...
REASON FOR READING: I *heart* series.
THOUGHTS: Gaelen Foley continues to be one of my favorite romance writers. This book exemplifies her ability to not just write a story but paint it visually in the reader's mind. Jacinda came across is playful and confident without being unlikable. Billy Blade was one tasty character. Ahem. The way these two characters play off one another is extremely sexy and fun to read.
MISCELLANEOUS: I need to find the first book in this series.
RATING: 7/10 [Very Good]
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