Why I Love... Bookplates

I may not add bookplates to items in my personal library, but I love finding them in books. On occasion I'll run across a bookplate while at work or perusing items in a used bookstore, and it always leaves me with a smile on my face.

I love these added ephemera because they give character and back-story to a book. Most bookplates name the previous owner and give a hint of their artistic taste. Some bookplates are simple "From the Library Of..." while others are gorgeous, full-color images. Some of my favorites appear to be from children; the images are playful and the handwriting of the name appears forcibly controlled. Bookplates come in so many variations you never know what you'll find. I enjoy seeing what pops up on Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie.

Most bookplates I encounter are old. I don't think people add bookplates to their collections anymore. It's difficult to stick one to a Kindle.
