What I Read This Week: February 10, 2013

I didn't realize just how much I had read this week until I started to compile the list. As of right now, I only have one magazine left in my backlog. Say what! I am proud of myself for that.

On to the reading!
  • Magazine-wise, I was a reading bad-ass.
    • Martha Stewart Living, January 2013 - Martha Stewart decided to discontinue Everyday Food. Sad face. Instead, the contents of that small magazine were rolled over into Living. As a subscriber, my subscription was automatically changed. This was the first issue of Living I read and it was blah to me... but I did see some potential in the contents.
    • Martha Stewart Living, February 2013 - Luckily, my backlog of magazines meant I had a second issue waiting for me. I thought this was a better issue. I pulled pages for a decorating idea and a recipe. Hopefully this magazine will get better the more I read it.
    • The Atlantic, January/Februrary 2013 - This double issue didn't let me down. I love the short article on Downton Abbey (I heart that show) and online dating. While the cover article about the banking industry was good, it was still do lingo heavy for my taste - I didn't always understand what the author was saying. My favorite article in the issue was about being awake/aware while in surgery. It was quite thought-provoking.
    • Food Network, January/February 2013 - As part of a Christmas gift from my mom, I received a year-long subscription to Food Network magazine. If this issue is any indication of all the magazine as a whole, I may have to become a permanent subscriber. I pulled lots of recipes... and the article about cakes. OMG! The cakes! Gimme!
  • Book-wise, I was also a reading bad-ass.
    • I started (finally!) reading the book Young House Love: 243 Ways to Paint, Craft, Update & Show Your Home Some Love. It's by the authors of one of my favorite home decor blogs. Once I got past the overly sappy/sugary/rah-rah-home-design-is-awesome introductory pages I started to love it.... but that introduction almost had me gagging. I am almost halfway through the book and already have several projects I want to try one day.
    • I also started a new professional reading book, Creating Your Library Brand. I'm only a few pages in, but it's okay so far.
