What I Read This Week: September 2, 2012

This was one of those weeks at work that was so jam packed with stuff that breathing seemed hard. I'm sure The Boyfriend appreciated my better tennis game as I took out my stress on that little grellow ball. (Seriously, I am way better at tennis when I'm venting out loud and channel my grrrrness.)

The magazine pile continues to grow as I keep ignoring it (and playing tennis instead of hitting the elliptical), but I did a bit better this week.
  • I managed to read the August 2012 issue of National Geographic. This was not the best issue, but it was still pretty to look at. Actually, the articles about East London and lightning were pretty interesting.
  • On the plus side of the reading week, I managed to put a hefty dent into Grave Mercy. I am enjoying this novel very much, and I find myself looking forward to reading it every night. In fact, I think I may make time to read it at the pool... seeing as how I have not been to the pool at all this summer... and it closes after Labor Day.
