TITLE: Lord Greville's Captive
AUTHOR: Nicola Cornick
STARTED: December 29, 2006
FINISHED: December 31, 2006
PAGES: 296
GENRE: Romance
FIRST SENTENCE: It was high summer and the village of Grafton was garlanded for a feast to celebrate the betrothal of the Earl of Grafton's only daugher to the eldest son of Fulwar Greville, the Earl of Harrington.
SUMMARY: [From barnesandnoble.com] Years before, he had come to Grafton Manor to be betrothed to the innocent and beautiful Lady Anne - a promise that was broken with the onset of war. Now Simon, Lord Greville, has returned as an enemy, besieging the manor and holding its lady hostage. Simon's devotion to his cause swayed by his desire for Anne, he will not settle for the manor house alone. He will have the lady - and her heart - into the bargain! Yet Anne has a secret that must be kept from him at all costs.
REASON FOR READING: I wanted to fit one more book in 2006.
THOUGHTS: For a Harlequin, this book was actually pretty decent. Simon and Anne behave quite believable for the circumstances, even if Simon's jealous does seem a bit overwhelming at times. Simon, if a woman tells you she loathes a man, all her friends and family tell you anecdotes of how she loathes him, and even you can sense her hatred, why the hell would you think she is running away to him? Simon, you may be pretty, but you had some dumb as a post moments.
Generally, the book was a nice, enjoyable, quick read. Nothing special about this one. Sworn enemies become lovers, so expect the usual fights that turn into back-up-against-the-wall-leg-melting-kisses.
Also, I give Cornick credit for actually putting in the dirt and grime of the middle ages. I hate it when historicals try to prettify not-so-clean eras of history.
MISCELLANEOUS: I want a moat around my apartment.
KEEP/SHARE/CRINGE(?): It's already on paperbackswap.com
RATING: 5/10 [I didn't particularly like it or dislike it; mixed review]