TITLE: The Sandman: The Kindly Ones
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman
STARTED: March 5, 2006
FINISHED: March 11, 2006
PAGES: 352
GENRE: Graphic Novels
FIRST SENTENCE: There's a dream in which huge faceless women with wolves astride them are chewing at my entrails and legs.
SUMMARY: [From barnesandnoble.com] Distraught by the kidnapping and presumed death of her son, and believing Morpheus to be responsible, Lyta Hall calls the ancient wrath of the Furies down upon him. A former superheroine blames Morpheus for the death of her child and summons an ancient curse of vengeance against the Lord of Dream. The "kindly ones" enter his realm and force a sacrifice that will change the Dreaming forever.
REASON FOR READING: Do I really need to explain this by now?
THOUGHTS: Aside from the Forward COMPLETELY GIVING AWAY THE ENDING!!! I loved this part of the series. Seeing Dream completely "lose it" (for lack of a better term) was just fascinating to read. There's not much I could say in response to finishing it. It was a great book and a great series.
Good thing for me there are two epilogue type books to it.
KEEP/SHARE/CRINGE(?): Back to Pete, like all the rest of them.
RATING: 8/10 [Terrific]
CR: Hope's Captive by Kate Lyon
RN: Hopefully the next to last The Sandman book.