TITLE: The Sandman: Worlds' End
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman
STARTED: February 20, 2006
FINISHED: February 21, 2006
PAGES: 168
GENRE: Graphic Novels
FIRST SENTENCE: Looking back on it, the thing that still surprises me is my own reaction to it all.
SUMMARY: [From barnesandnoble.com] A "reality storm" draws and unusual cast of characters together. They take shelter in a tavern, where they amuse each other with their life stories. Although Morpheus is never a focus in these stories, each has something to say about the nature of stories and dreams.
THOUGHTS: As a whole, this part of the series was just "Meh" for me. That being said, I loved the story titled "Cerements." That's write, I found the most interesting part of this book to be the story told about people whose lives revolve around the dead. No real reason, I just loved how Gaiman played off of this people who were living among and because of the dead. It brought chills and yet was entertaining beyond all reason.
Also, the way Gaiman told a story within a story within a story within a story was just masterful.
MISCELLANEOUS: There are days I dream of being a tavern wench.
KEEP/SHARE/CRINGE(?): Back to Pete. *pout*
RATING: 7/10 [Very Good]
CR: Extreme Exposure by Pamela Clare
RN: The Captain's Lady by Margaret McPhee