Book 88: Blow Me Down

TITLE: Blow Me Down
AUTHOR: Katie MacAlister
STARTED: December 8, 2005
FINISHED: December 10, 2005
PAGES: 359
GENRE: Romance

FIRST SENTENCE: "You know what your problem is?"

SUMMARY: [From] In the Internet game of "Buckling Swashes," two die-hard enemies find themselves comrades at arms against a merciless rival, and discover that-on the virtual high seas and in real life-love can tame the most fearsome of pirates.

REASON FOR READING: I *heart* Katie MacAlister

THOUGHTS: I *did not heart* MacAlister in this lackluster work. The plot was flat and extremely unbelievable. It takes a lot to get me to say that. The characters were boring and so was the story. I just keep reading in hope that MacAlister's usual wit would shine through. While there were a few lines that made me laugh, this book, overall, was not worth the read. I was disappointed. I just wish she had written a pirate novel set in the usual pirate times. Turning it into a video game world doomed the story from the start. All the modern storylines just made me want to gag. They were useless, poorly devised, and poorly written.

MISCELLANEOUS: The pirate on the cover is so a Jack Sparrow rip-off.

KEEP/SHARE/CRINGE(?): PBSing as soon as I'm home from Winter Break.
RATING: 4/10 [An "okay" book, but I don't recommend it]

CR: A Pirate of Her Own by Kinley MacGregor
RN: The Devil You Know by Liz Carlyle


reviewer said…
I'm just going through your archives here. I do that when I am bored, lol

Anyway, I heart this author, too. I also felt the same way about this book. Very disappointing.
Meghan said…
This book could have been sooooo good. The second MacAlister decided to set it in virtual land, I knew it was doomed.