TITLE: "We're A Peaceful Nation": War Rhetoric After September 11th
AUTHOR: Brigitte Mral
STARTED: October 12, 2005
FINISHED: October 15, 2005
PAGES: 127
GENRE: Political Science
FIRST SENTENCE: When an extreme and revolutionary event takes place, people want decisions and demand that politicians speak to them.
SUMMARY: [From the back of the book] This study highlights the rhetorical devices that were used during the two military operartions that were a direct consequence of the events on September 11.
The purpose is to create a better understanding of the war strategists' efforts to define tour [sic] world.
REASON FOR READING: Assigned in MDIA 530: The Rhetoric of Propaganda
THOUGHTS: I've heard all of the speeches that this book talks about. Thus, it was nice to see someone break down the rhetoric line by line and discuss how this fits into the current presidential administration's overarching themes. This was not a groundbreaking book by any means, but it does layout the rhetoric of speeches that most people overlook.
What I found most interesting, however, was who put this book out. It was published by the Swedish Emergency Management Association (their equivalent of our FEMA). What I want to know is why they felt this was needed.
MISCELLANEOUS: Any book that talks about the presidency and rhetoric is okay by me.
KEEP/SHARE/CRINGE(?): Don't know. It was free.
RATING: 5/10 [I didn't particularly like it or dislike it; mixed review]
CR: Munitions of the Mind by Philip M. Taylor
RN: A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon